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Merry Xmas

Hi! I’m back. Well, I hadn’t really gone anywhere, my life has just become awfully busy and complicated and I have been unable to find enough space (or perhaps motivation) to sit down and write an update for this blog. Therefore, I want to sincerely apologise to anyone who has been following my journey and has been seeking further information on my condition.

The good news is that my recovery to date has been excellent! I am now officially cancer free and my blood counts are edging towards normality. My first set of vaccinations have been and gone and I’m now back to work full-time. There’s still quite a bit of water to go under the bridge, but so far, my recovery has been exceptional.

Yet, despite the many successes, I need to keep reminding myself that I’m not there yet (wherever ‘there’ is?). Transplants are a long, long journey and I don’t want to lose sight of the unreliable realities of post-transplant life.

This will only be a short post, simply because I don’t have the time and spaciousness in my life at the moment to adequately reflect on my journey. Unfortunately, a close family member has recently been diagnosed with a serious illness, so I haven’t yet had the chance to reflect upon, and celebrate my new lease on life. That opportunity will come with time.

Until then, I want to thank everyone who has got in contact with me, particularly those who have reached out because they have their own transplant journey to undertake. I wish you all the best for your treatment and recovery.

Best wishes and Merry Christmas, Dane.

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